Sunday, June 21, 2009

Evaluation Report

My elevator pitch is contained at Elevator Pitch 1.

the transcript of the report is as follows:

Hello this is Grant Lavers.

Developing an online business application is analogous to baking a cake.

First you need a recipe. In our case we need to understand the users and consumers of our business model and our objective, is it Business to Consumer, Business to Business, or maybe even Consumer to Consumer.

Secondly, we need to gather the ingredients to make our cake. In the Web 2 world this means looking at the communication protocols, data storage requirements, programming languages, and delivery mechanisms that will mix together to create our application.

Thirdly we need to bake the cake. In the case of ITC565 this means looking at the Ruby on Rails development environment, which implements the Model View Controller design pattern and pushes the Convention over Configuration mantra.

The proof of a cake is in the eating. This will happen over the coming weeks, but it looks good so far.

Unbeknown to me at the time, the most difficult thing about doing the elevator pitch, was actually working out how to post it to the blog. I wrongly assumed that posting audio would be the same as posting video. Well i know better now. I have used the free hosting site to host the audio file. Maybe someone else can suggest a better alternative for the future.


  1. Grant,

    I totally understand your problem in posting the audio onto the Blog. You may read my latest drama from my Blog about my elevator pitch 1 which ends up in youtube.


  2. Hi Grant,

    I had an audio file as well, but as you can only post video I used Microsoft movie maker and made a movie with my audio and just a static .jpg for the picture.
    I ended up with a .wmv file which I uploaded without any issues.
    Pretty cool workaround I thought. I got the idea from here:
