Sunday, July 19, 2009

Workshop 6/7: Integrating RailsSpace with OTBS

I have got the RailsSpace application to the point where it should be really easy to integrate what i had done previously with the OTBS.With that in mind
  1. I created a vehicle controller
    ruby script/generate controller Vehicle cabtype bookcab
  2. modified the bookcab.html.erb to look like we did in Workshop 4
  3. Changed the link in the application.html.erb file to point to the vehicle bookcab form

    Unfortunately when you choose the link I get the following error message:

    I would love to continue investigating the issue, but unfortunately I have now developed a visual migraine, and looking at the computer screen is akin to looking at a kalaidescope.
  4. Pregnant pause for 2 hours .....

  5. Well I have my application working. Yee haa! The comment from Karen helped in the end. The error about the unknown route was purely because I had not restarted the server after creating the vehicle controller.
  6. I have managed to integrate the RailsSpace application with the OTBS application we have been developing. See my next post for application details.

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