Sunday, July 19, 2009

Workshop 6/7: Reading RailsSpace

Well I think that I made another mistake in developing my application. I didnt read the railsspace text sufficiently. I relied on the learningrails podcats/screencast series to develop the login module. As you will have noticed reading my blog this was in no way successful.

I am currently reading section 6 of RailSpace and it looks like it shows what i should have done to get the login process to work. It is actually debateable at this point as to what i would need to do to get the OTBS to work and utilise the login functionality correctly. It could be that if I implement the session logging capabilities in Section 6 of RailsSpace, that i may actually get a functioning application. But on the other hand, I may find that I am being led up yet another garden path.

In order to investigate whether RailsSpace would in fact revive my application I would be inclined to once again rebuild my OTBS application from the ground up. This goes entirely against the principles espoused by the rails community of DRY or dont repeat yourself (did I actually just break that rule by spelling out the DRY definition?). But considering I am between a rock and a hard place in terms of a functioning application, I feel that this is sctually the best method.

Concurrently with starting with a completely fresh application, I would implement a source code control systems to ensure that I was able to backtrack if and when the need arose.

Well I have just created a new rails application, to see if the logging mechanism within RailsSpace will actually work for me. Following on from the steps is section 6:

  1. Run rake db:sessions:create
  2. This was successful
  3. In config/environment.rb, uncomment the line:config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store
  4. Well here was my first problem. There was no such line in the file. So I copied the line from RailsSpace into the file.
  5. Run rake db:migrate
  6. Well this bit worked fine.
  7. Its at this point that I realise that we need to go back to the beginning of the book and actually build an application, because there is currently nothing in this one. So its back to the start of Chapter 2.

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